T.G.I.F ๐Ÿ˜‰ Weekend, All Ragga Junglist, DJ-MGS is Back, Recovering form a minor surgery procedure, and with that restine time, he has been looking around n’ hearing whats going on n’ what sounds are coming out, So he has been busy and collaborated a nice bunch of New Ragga Jungle Choons, n’ also including mixing up some of the ‘Classics’ n’ is eager to jump in n give it a go n’ mix up the show with tonight Sounds is going to be like FYRE. So Keep it Locked n’ Tune in at the following Times Zones: 0200 LONDON, USA: 6p L.A, 7p DENVER, 8p CHICAGO, 9p NYC n’ Don’t forget to hit the Play button on the page ๐Ÿ˜‰ Let us know where ya ‘Tuning in from‘ n’ please, give this post a Thumbs up if you like the Shows ๐Ÿ˜‰
BiG uP n’ Bless
aKa Mad Growling Scientist…

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