Every Friday night from 10pm – midnight i run the Afterdark Techno show, Bringing the latest and best in techno to the airwaves across London and to world via Internet.
I am currently looking for Guests to provide a 60min mix exclusivly for Soundwave Radio.
Techno Djs required for guest slots
Written by Geezzaa on May 15, 2023
Would you like to be a special guest on my weekly radio show ?

The Afterdark Techno Show

What we want.
What we dont want.
320kbps Mp3 only
Sorry no .wav .ogg. flac or mp4 files accepted.
60 Minutes long +/- 45seconds
No sets accepted that have been played on any other station.
The latest or the Best techno tunes.
No advertising of anything other than the Djs Name
All Techno styles accepted
mixes older than 2 months (unless your using exclusive tunes)
A picture or Pictures of you / your brand as well as a Biography of your exploits for use in the advertising of the show.
Sets played on FM and Internet
Our current listeners
Submit your mix here.
[contact-form to=”geezzaa@soundwaveradio.net” subject=”Guest Dj appliicationn”][contact-field label=”DJ Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Website/ Social media account /Fanppage” type=”url” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Link to download ” type=”url” required=”1″][/contact-form]