- 100 points for uploading your set.
- Spot on timing. (10 points)
- Choice of music.(10 points)
- Use of microphone to introduce yourself.(10 points)
- Resident Dj picking your Mix for a guest slot (50 points)
- Getting listener votes from any replays from our syndicate and community stations. (1 point per listener)
- Your mix being included on 1 of our Internet channels (10 points)
- Your mix being picked for our Showcase channel (20 points)
- Your Mix being selected for our FM channels (30 points
Competition upload page.
Now is your chance to shine
Gaining points
Losing points
- Incorrect timing (-1 point per second)
- Poor choice of music (-2 points per track)
- Fading out instead of mixing out (-5 points)
- Not using the Soundwave identifier (-5 points)
- Crunching more than 2 mixes (-5 points per track)
- Explicit lyrics (-10 points per tune)
- Cheating (-10000 points)
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